Executive Recruiters Get the Job Done with Same-page.Com Cloud Computing Scheduling Calendars

August 8, 2010
By Alec Rosen

In today's economy, an executive recruitment firm needs to be highly organized, efficient and virtual in order to keep track of the thousands of opportunities and to complete successful candidate placements for their clients. Jobs, careers and livelihoods are on the line at Stewart, Cooper & Coon, so the firm uses Same-Page.com in order to keep track of the thousands of executive employment opportunities and placements they handle on a regular basis on behalf of the Global Fortune 1500. Stewart, Cooper & Coon specializes in Executive Recruitment, Corporate Recruitment and Outplacement services.

Stewart, Cooper & Coon needed to find a solution for managing and organizing complex calendar scheduling, contact information and a secure document management solution for confidential agreements and employment contracts while keeping its vast and virtual network of corporate recruiters organized and on the same page.

Same-Page.com came to the rescue with eStudio which combines calendar software, project management software, document management software, and contact management software in order to improve workflow and enhance communication between recruiters, job candidates and the firm's corporate clients.

"Stewart, Cooper & Coons success with eStudio is because they understood early on the importance of organizing and simplifying the complex schedules of multiple executives using the Same-page.com cloud computing platform. The Same-page.com virtual office space gave their senior management and sales force increased visibility into every aspect of the business and enhanced security of sensitive data via document management and file sharing functionality," said Bruce Collen, president and founder of Same-Page.com.

"Since we have been using Same-Page.com we have seen our productivity increase as well as overall customer satisfaction due to the fact that we have company wide visibility into schedules, appointments, interviews and placements," said Freed Coon, Chairman of Stewart, Cooper & Coon. "Literally we are all on the same page with respect to workflow and scheduling enabling our virtual sales force to coordinate and manage complex and confidential transactions in real-time and avoid double bookings using Availability Checker."

Calendar and Scheduling Interviews and Coaching

For an Executive Recruiter scheduling is key to the firm's success in terms of productivity and customer satisfaction. Using the Calendar and Scheduling functionality of eStudio, staff at Stewart, Cooper & Coon can look at each sales person's schedule including coaching sessions, interviews, payments and conference room meetings in order to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Having all the scheduling visible on Same-page.com enables Stewart, Cooper & Coon to improve work flow and increase productivity in a virtual company with operations across the US.

Document Management for Confidential Contracts

As an executive recruitment firm, Stewart, Cooper & Coon handles many confidential documents from employment contracts to personal resumes and contact data. It is essential for Stewart, Cooper & Coon to have a secure document management system to control access and at the same time enable a free flow of critical information to those that needed access.

Using eStudio document management, Stewart, Cooper & Coon controls access and permission to every folder and document, knows who and when someone checked it out- as well as the ability to track comments and changes in real time across the virtual team. Department and divisions throughout the company set up document management and access protocols based upon their specific group needs.

Reception Area

The Reception Area is the first thing that all Stewart, Cooper & Coon employees see when logging on to Same-Page.com. Here, all employees can see their tasks schedule, company-wide announcements and manage their own areas of responsibility.

Benefits of Same-page.com to Stewart, Cooper & Coon

Among the many benefits of using Same-page.com the firm focuses on the following key business benefits:

*Improving business opportunities via enhanced communications and company wide access to critical data

*Increasing communications and work flow through calendar and scheduling - critical for a virtual company

*Same-page.com is an affordable solution that is easy to deploy enterprise wide

*Highly scalable platform, so as Stewart, Cooper & Coon grows and adds more users, Same-page.com scales with them at no additional cost per user.

*Customer support - incredibly response support and training

About Same-Page.com

Same-Page.com, http://www.same-page.com, is the developer of eStudio, a powerful suite of collaboration software for small businesses, non-profits, government agencies and entrepreneurs. Every day thousands of people log in and depend on eStudio to share files, schedule events, meet deadlines, assign tasks, centralize feedback, have web meetings and get on the same page with clients and consultants.

Since 1999 eStudio has provided secure, customizable and reliable Software as a Service. Our online service means registered users can collaborate from multiple offices, home or on the road - any location and any time.

visit http://www.same-page.com/ follow us on twitter @samepageestudio

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