Online Address Book Features
The eStudio Contact Manager is an online address book for your business contacts. Keeping your contact management information easily accessible is a crucial part of today's business workflow process.
- Flexible contact management. Use the eStudio tree directory feature to manage folder access to your own personal and group business contacts. Setup group contacts folders to share contacts on a per project or department wide basis. You control which folders to share and which to keep private.
- No more excuses. eStudio means that there can never be a lost or misplaced contact again. Once entered into our central, web-based location your employess can always find the information they need. Our folder naming and sorting options allow you to organize contacts in a way that fits your business.
- Security. The potential to lose crucial contact data due to hardware failure is one of the most dreaded business hazards. With eStudio, your business contact manager is online and that means your data is safe and secure from local disasters and hardware failures.
- Flexible contact sharing. Setup a My Contacts folder to manage your own personal and business contacts. Use the Shared Contacts feature to share contacts with the group or the entire company. You control which contacts to share and which to keep private.
- Import / Export. You can add contacts right from an e-mail, synchronize contact information with Outlook, and import or export them to other databases, or contact management systems.
- Find your contacts. The powerful contact search, sort and filter features in eStudio allow you to quickly and easily search across multiple fields.
- Custom Fields. Add up to four fields of custom data that your company needs to have ready access to.
- Contact Notes. Record and distribute notes on phone conversations, track issues related to customer orders for rapid response and resolution.
- Built-in E-Mail. Easily communicate via e-mail with individuals or eTeams
- Smart Phone Access. Get wireless access to the contacts in your online address book using your web-enabled mobile phone, wherever you are.
managing your Contacts online today!
If you have further questions about our Contact
Management Software or would like to receive a personal webinar
please call us at 1-877-765-2655.
Let's get everyone in your organization on the same page with eStudio's
Contact Management Software.