Client Stories

I was really tired of worrying about my schedule and everyone else's. We are a writer co-op with almost 100 people working mostly from home. Appointment details were getting dropped, teleconferences missed- the eStudio calendar fixed all that. eStudio combines our Personal, Group and Supervisor Calendar all in one.

Now all our individual appointments and meetings are organized online. We can easily see when people are available. Since eStudio includes project management software, knowing where a work group stands on project task is also a no-brainer. The automated email notification and reminders system makes sure that everyone is on the same page.

We did an extensive web search and free trial exploration of various calendar technologies. We looked at a lot of options...and tried one of the biggest names out there, but switched to eStudio because I have real control over what each person could do in eStudio. It's as good as anything I've tried on the web, maybe better.

I needed a way to share files with our people in nine North American offices. For reviewing and editing purposes email was okay when I was just exchanging a file with a co-worker. When many people started modifying the document or making change requests chaos set in. It got so crazy that customers were getting pissed off. eStudio helped me get organized by giving my company a central web address where we can keep everything together.

eStudio lets me restrict access to documents in customer folders. When people add comments everyone gets automatic email notifications. eStudio's work flow lets me route documents for review and approval. eStudio's built in FTP function lets us upload big files with ease. Recently we started using the eStudio OnSync web meeting function to fine-tune Powerpoint presentations. It has been a real time saver and brought clarity to our creative process.

I looked at a lot of software packages. From GoTo Meeting and BaseCamp to custom scripts in PHP nothing had the easy launch ability, user flexibility and tool set that eStudio offers for the price. Since eStudio has become our online office we have never lost a file and we can cope with the pressure of managing new customers.

As the new Sales Manager for an international Call Center I inherited an email based system that sent spreadsheets to each agent in every state to trigger the call process. If an agent made a service appointment (before I came on board) service requests were actually faxed to a receptionist. She would hand them to our production manager who would have his assistant schedule a service call. The customers were always complaining about the time it took to hear back from our company. Half the time the customer's information was misplaced. When an agent left the company all of the customer activity info was lost forever.

eStudio gave me a real customer management minutes. Each agent has a leads folder and a service folder. I import the leads into an agent's folder, when they make a call they add a note to the customer record and I get automatically notified. If the agent makes a service appointment he schedules a visit on the service representative's eStudio Calendar. I really feel that keeping our customer contact information in eStudio provides me with the structure for growing our business.

I did try a bunch of free trials of various contact management technologies. I looked at desktop software, Microsoft server programs and I even tried implementing some php scripts. After I had a webinar with eStudio Customer Support (no charge...thank you) I knew that eStudio was my best option. Sure the price was right- unlimited users and free support but also I could really control what each person could do in eStudio. It's as good as anything I've tried on the web, maybe better.

I used to secretly call my company Bottleneck, Inc. As a project manager I know the value of organization and creating a process for managing work flow. But projects always seemed to shudder to a stop if I was not overseeing every detail of everybody's work assignments. People keep saying, "I didn't know that it was time to do my task!" So I tried getting workers to complete task assignments according to a printed timetable. Then I tried sending task spreadsheets via email that workers would update and return them to me- what a mess! People still forgot to tell others when their tasks were completed. What I needed was a simple project management solution that would allow everyone to update their task status online.

I had to make a hard decision and start from scratch. I had to create a new system to manage our resources and keep tasks moving along. When I started searching for project management software Same-Page eStudio seemed like a good fit. The price was right, the concept of not having to install software on multiple computers was right in line with my expectations and setting up the first project was easy with the help of Same-Page's friendly customer support staff. Now everybody knows what tasks they have to do and when they have to be done. Everybody gets email notifications when dependent tasks have been completed and I get notified when there is a task related issue. I wasn't expecting robust features like the reports that help me keep project costs under control or the ability to see my tasks from my IPhone but I am glad that they are part of the eStudio product.

I was expecting to get a lot of co-worker resistance to the change in how we worked. But I was wrong. Our team embraced the concept of online project management right away. Even the perpetual complainers realized that they were saving time and being more productive and they got on board. About two months after signing up for eStudio I turned on the Calendar function to manage our schedules and the WorkSpace feature to share documents and files. Now the district sales offices have discovered the Contact management feature and moved their CRM process to eStudio. The sales manager is talking about signing up for the web conferencing feature. Everyone loves the new interface.

Mary Haffner, We Smile Spas

Our company operates 25 teeth whitening and dental cleaning facilities around the United States. As program manager I used to fly to each location to meet quarterly with our site managers. I dreaded those repetitive meetings in each location and the long hours involved. The time away from my office really hurt my overall productivity.

While weather delayed at the Atlanta airport last spring I decided to try out the web cam on my new laptop. The camera produced high definition video that was incredibly sharp. I started thinking that maybe I could do video conferencing cheaply and not have to travel. If I did not need expensive dedicated conference room video gear in every site then holding group program meetings online was definitely do-able.

I found eStudio OnSync feature by googling "webcam conferencing". I called the support line and they gave me a webinar right then. It was amazingly simple to set-up. I can invite all 25 people to a video meeting at once. Not only does it do webcam conferencing, but screen sharing and powerpoint presentations also. Another thing that I like about eStudio was that the Calendar function sent out invitation emails and reminders to site manager.

I think eStudio is better than Webex or GoTo Meetings and there is no software to license per user so it is a lot easier on the budget. Everybody shows up for the web cam meeting so they all get on the same page.

The eStudio product line is a tremendous value. For 8 years we have relied upon this full-featured solution to make extremely effective ad hoc groups of local, state, regional, national, and international team members.

With the WORKSPACE we have been able to create an on-line secure library of materials directly accessible for field workers. The CALENDAR does more than you might expect - on a couple of instances it was used for remote scheduling and managing staff at temporary sites. The RSVP feature allows you to instantly know which people you have invited will attend your meeting. You can start meetings early once you know everyone who intends to come is present. The PROJECTS area has been used to get different state agencies, vendors, and other strategic partners to operate from the exact same project plan without fear of version skew - plan updates become instantly available to the team, and unlike Microsoft Project, task specific files, e-mail notifications and reminders, and accounting are part of the base product. The VAULT has allowed for a private storage of software tools, personal digital certificates and other files that individuals would need when they have no specific computer. CONTACTS have proven a secure on-line "rolodex" accessible from most everywhere. Imagine the possibilities when the people you need to reach are providing you with their most current contact details. You no longer need to update address books when you can access eStudio.

One of the best features of eStudio is the integration of the many components with e-mail messaging. System generated reminders, meeting RSVP invitations, document review requests, event postings, and project updates help geographically separated people keep on task and stay informed. The fact that eStudio was designed to provide web video conferencing, text discussions, RSS feeds, general accounting, surveys, and host slide presentations goes to show how well the eStudio team understands their customers needs. Perhaps the most valuable part of this suite is the easy to understand interface that has allowed this solution to be rolled out to several thousand users with minimal end-user training. With eStudio, it is easy to get everyone on your team working on the same page.